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Total Value includes both Face Value and Base Value. Values are calculated based on likes, comments, shares and views on user's posts on their social media account.

Calculations for Youtube does not include Youtube shorts.

Facebook calculations only include videos and reels.

Recent Results

Platform Username Followers Engagement Rate Reach Total Value
facebook SKhanAthlete 48,984 11% 2% Rs. 297
tiktok @askjawadfarooq 67 13% 118% Rs. 16
youtube @JawadFarooq 92,600 5% 2% Rs. 195
youtube @TheBroadBoy 6,510 5% 66% Rs. 1,073
facebook askjawadfarooq 19,939 2% 9% Rs. 181
facebook TheBroadBoy 73,175 13% 4% Rs. 787
instagram Thebroadboy 43,054 25% 8% Rs. 850
tiktok @misbahmumtaz1 29,800 10% 14% Rs. 643
facebook misbahmumtazofficial 93,105 14% 1% Rs. 275
facebook iamsuzainfatima 10,446 14% 30% Rs. 775
instagram suzainfatimaofficial 599,500 15% 1% Rs. 918
instagram eat_without.guilt 120,644 4% 14% Rs. 1,725
youtube UClAVqRctdgTQ7o67XxD-UBw 10,900 4% 52% Rs. 1,424
facebook MehakAli.Music 373,154 9% 1% Rs. 1,254
youtube @ZahidAhmedOfficial 150,000 6% 204% Rs. 76,373
facebook zahidahmedofficial 256,551 3% 33% Rs. 8,526
facebook IamNoumanJavaid 165,443 5% 0% Rs. 50
instagram noumanjavaid 16,621 13% 5% Rs. 193
youtube UCTHGZRgMyP0ZHpx3aeM6xxg 283,000 2% 294% Rs. 207,670
facebook shigrifilms 18,685 2% 9% Rs. 167
facebook AbrarUlhaqOfficialOne 2,636,139 6% 8% Rs. 21,896
facebook stringspage 1,138,698 5% 6% Rs. 6,862
instagram beautybloggeramna 81,498 3% 5% Rs. 428
tiktok @aqsakinjharleelaj 4,200,000 16% 1% Rs. 7,295
instagram aqsa.aziz.jamali1 77,019 26% 10% Rs. 1,878
instagram diet_planner__ 135,288 4% 17% Rs. 2,293
youtube UCrWrqKXuEt6BidDlsQI2HCw 2,310 5% 60% Rs. 349
instagram imakbar.khan 83,949 4% 68% Rs. 14,331
instagram humazia_ 145,756 28% 10% Rs. 3,732
instagram mahamamjadd 88,542 0% 3% Rs. 247
instagram ayeshafazli 113,419 3% 34% Rs. 3,830
instagram rehmatajmal 164,767 8% 18% Rs. 7,254
instagram rahmakhan.official 117,289 11% 13% Rs. 3,736
youtube @sebinaah 95,100 3% 17% Rs. 1,578
instagram sebinaah 444,063 6% 11% Rs. 4,709
instagram x__mnk__x 178,854 4% 30% Rs. 5,432
instagram iamehtesham 70,213 20% 87% Rs. 24,405
instagram nomi_baba_302 374,313 26% 59% Rs. 88,230
facebook TheFaizaKhanOfficial 12,810 34% 3% Rs. 81
instagram faizakhanofficial 414,580 1% 2% Rs. 625
instagram farheen.naz.vlogs 185,581 7% 8% Rs. 1,509
youtube @bilalkamokafitness4850 55,000 3% 37% Rs. 2,024
instagram bilal_kamoka_fitness 321,776 7% 5% Rs. 1,566
instagram bisma_laiq_khan 47,387 13% 2% Rs. 233
instagram awaisoo_official 151,295 19% 8% Rs. 2,993
instagram hamzay.malik 49,312 22% 2% Rs. 238
instagram mian_jahanzeb 101,597 23% 7% Rs. 1,756
instagram romeoali.official 111,958 7% 1% Rs. 113
instagram zubairakramactor 238,938 4% 0% Rs. 37
instagram zarminayhaq 102,968 12% 14% Rs. 3,677


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